The sperms present in the semen travel a long distance, from the uterus to the
Fallopian tube. The sperms swim in the fluid medium of the female genital
track which is also partly helped by uterus.
Sperms swims at the
rate of 1.5 to 3 mm per minute. A single ejaculation of sperms contains about
200 to 400 million of sperms in some 3ml. of fluid secretion. The sperms
remains active for 24 to 48 hours after that it exhausts its energy and
Increased levels of
GnRH stimulates the anterior pitiitary gland which then secretes the FSH and LH
.FSH stimulates sertoli cells to secretes some factors which helps in
The motile sperms swim
rapidly the cervix, enter the uterus and reaches the ampullary - isthamic
junction of the oviduct, where the fertilization takes place.
A sperm comes in
contact with the zona pellucida layer of the ovum and induces changes in the
membrane to block the entry of the additional sperms.
The enzyme of the
acrosome of sperm help to dissolve zonna pellucida and plasma membrane of the
ovum and sperm head is allowed to enter into the cytoplasm of the ovum. This
includes completion of Meiosis II to form secondary oocytes and II polar body.
The activated
spermatozoa undergo acrosomal reaction and release various chemicals, like
hyaluronidase that acts on the ground substance of follicle cells, corona
penetrating enzyme that dissolves corona radiate, and zona lysine or acrosin that
help to digest the zona pellucida.All
these chemicals are contained in the acrosome, located at the tip of sperm head
and are collectively termed sperm lysins.
Fertilization of egg with only one spermatozoan is known as monospermy.
Numerous physical and
chemical changes occur in response to egg- sperm binding. First egg become
activated and undergoes depolarization of its membrane. Second the egg exhibits
cortical reaction and shows zona reaction, which makes egg impervious to any
other sperm.
As the fertilizing
sperm enters the ovum it usually looses its flagellum. The sperm entry
stimulates the egg to complete its second meiotic division.
Ultimately diploid
zygote is formed by the fusion of a sperm with an ovum.
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